Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is what happens to old pianos in my world:
It was in bad shape and I don't even play - but the piano was too beautiful to chop up for firewood - and no one would take it away. HMMM didn't mean to be so poetic . Anyway..........
I had it "gutted" and now it is garden sculpture
The beautiful walnut piano itself will be re-fitted and used to house my CD player and all that jazz in the Salon.


  1. Now you are talking sister! I love this idea. The fun thing is- it is one of a kind. I love it!!!

  2. I love rusted metal in the garden. I use it a lot. It just goes back into the earth.

  3. What a fabulous idea! Both the garden sculpture and the housing of your electronics. Cool. Too cool.


This is a huge project - your interest in St. Marys keeps me energized and I love hearing from you